Gift cards

Rules for using a gift card:

1. The gift card allows you to purchase any product of the Tserkovnij brand.

2. To use the gift card, enter the certificate number on the order page.

3. The gift card is valid for 1 year from the moment of purchase. After the expiration of the term, the gift card is canceled. You can find out the date of purchase of the gift card by its number by writing to Instagram direct @tserkovnij.

4. If the purchase price is lower than the face value of the gift card, the difference will not be refunded.

5. If the purchase price exceeds the face value of the gift card, you can make an additional payment.

6. Goods paid for with a gift card cannot be exchanged for a cash equivalent but reserves the right to be replaced by another size, color or item within the denomination of the gift card. In case of product return, the amount of the gift card will be renewed.

7. The gift card cannot be exchanged for a cash equivalent.